Romantic Setting for Your Bedroom


Romantic Setting for Your Bedroom


The bedroom is a place where a lot of intimacy goes on and the events that follow. For any romantic interaction, the mood is very elementary. The theme of the bedroom dictates the mood partially. A romantic setting for a bedroom is typically stylish, elegant and refined. These are the perfect traits of a romantic atmosphere. Providing the appropriate ambience for such a bedroom involves a number of things you need to consider; but all point to texture.

cosy romantic bedroom

For a romantic setting, you’ll need sufficient fabric; for the beddings, windows, and the floor too. Window curtains have to be placed with care. They are draped stylishly along the window frames to allow the appropriate lighting and moderate lighting. The beds are graced with the thickness of blankets and pillows. You could choose a furry carpet or one with a stylishly rugged look and it should cover corner to corner of the room.

charming romantic bedroom design

The kind of fabric you use for your bed sheets plays a key role in providing a romantic setting. Your sheets don’t have to be satin to achieve the desired look; vintage fabrics can equally work a lot of tricks. Throw in an elegant duvet with a brittle white. At the anterior end of the bed, add in fancy pillows whose covers match the sheets.

natural romantic bedroom design


Window should be well layered. Muslin curtains will do well to give a beauteous effect and also enhance confidentiality. The curtains need to be long and the good thing is that they come at an affordable price. The second layer is the most important. These curtains carry all the romantics; especially brocades, velvets or linen ones. Long curtains running all the way to the floor bring a grand touch to the room. Door curtains also give a warm feel. Bedecking your walls with hangings right above the bed adds to the romantic setting.

light romantic bedroom design

Floor carpets work wonders too. Dipping your toes into the thickly covered surface just soothes your body and soul altogether. Rugs by the bed side also chip in on some of the fun. Wall décor such as portraits and fancy art in nice frames gives a romantic shade. You could also add some of your best photos; they trigger conversation in the bedroom.

stylish bedroom design

About Calvin Bailey

Hey! It's Seda. I'm student and I love blogging about home decoration. I will share my ideas on Decorola.

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