Decorating a Teenage Boy’s Bedroom

Kids Room

Decorating a Teenage Boy’s Bedroom


Boys too have their own preferences.  When they invite their friends over they want to make an impression. They will be keen on the décor and selective on the color. The ideas for decorating a teenage boy’s bedroom are infinite. But they have to be executed with proficiency and skill. You have to take a number of things into consideration, to get the desired outcome.

Teen boys usually prefer peppy colors; maybe a shade of jungle green or navy blue for the walls. The floor can also be painted colorfully to match the ceiling or the walls. Furniture color should not be too emphasized and if executed well they complement the walls.

Bedding should also be in congruence with the theme of the rest of the room. Boys will usually like sheets printed with action figures or movie themes. As they grow older, they begin to embrace simplicity. You can also use a solid color for a teenage boy’s bedroom while incorporating some interludes of different colors, but in minimal quantity. The color scheme depends majorly on the theme of the bedroom.

teenage boy's bedroom design

Most boys are sports fans and cars fans. They usually want to be abreast with the latest models and trends of the said niche. To meet their demands, you can adorn the walls with art displaying such items, or posters of their favorite sportsmen or cars or musicians. Boys, just like men, have an ego; they will want to display their achievements such as trophies and certificates. Fit some shelves where they will be place their little gems, which are typical of the average teenage boy’s bedroom.


The study zone is also a part you can’t ignore. Healthy study requires a good study place- standard furniture and proper lighting. Since people have different tastes, teens too will have their preferred sizes and shape of furniture such as tables and chairs. It is easy for them to comprehend when they are comfortable.

In the entire process of decorating a teenage boy’s bedroom, there’s one person who should never be ignored; the teenage boy. Since its his room, he should have a say on the choice of décor and color.

Teenage Boy’s Bedrooms

About Arlo Williams

Hey, it's Salih and I'm an amateur interior designer.I will share very creative ideas about living room and Bathroom designs to make you inspired.Hope you like my posts! If you have question/suggestion you can contact with me.

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