Interior Design

Ideas for a Small Entryway


Making a narrow passage inside your home or at the entrance look beautiful needs a bit of creative imagination and can cost almost nothing. Avoid any furniture in this space. Use bright yellow and greens to create a warm tone to this kind of entrance. Use a single, round table with some urns if the space permits.

Eye-catching ideas for a welcoming entryway

Use interesting wall hooks in the shape of a butterfly, finger frames, etc, to hold coats, hats, of the guests. You can also have a small open cabinet that is not raised from the floor and use it as a shoe rack below a seating arrangement for waiting guests.

You can as well use plants like crotons, house palms, and plants with rounded leaves that give a pleasing effect to this area. If you do not want to use cabinets, use rattan boxes for storage in this space. They give a very contemporary look and you can reuse them for any other storage if you do not want to use them for entryway. You can use chandeliers, and other interesting ceiling lights in this area. You can as well use a small rug in this area.

entryway designing

entryway welcome




before after entryway

entryway decor

entryway design

entryway design

entryway decor

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