Themes for Teenage Girl Bedroom


Themes for Teenage Girl Bedroom


Girls in their prime will usually have plentiful ideas for their zones, especially their bedrooms. They are usually very choosy and particular about their choices, from the colors to the fabric. There are many theme ideas for a charming teenage girl bedroom. You could choose a theme portraying the universe (stars and other heavenly bodies), beach theme or just a plain shade of a subtle pink. Let’s focus particularly on the beach theme to see how you can customize the bedroom, to have a seaside effect.

The beach theme can be achieved in two ways. The first is only applicable if you have a sizable bedroom with many windows. It requires that you use special decoration to bring out a breezy feeling into your space. The other way involves selecting items exclusive to the beach to adorn your room; items which will make you feel like you are right on the beach. Here are some aspects you should consider when creating a beach setting.

beach themed bedroom design

Teenage Girl Bedroom Theme: goes with the taste of the bedroom owner. There are many things to get ideas from when creating the perfect teenage girl bedroom. Example, consider the kind of music or movies the girl loves and choose the accessories based on these.  You could probably choose a movie-based theme such as animations or superheroes. The age of the girl in topic also matters a lot; you wouldn’t expect a thirteen year old to have the same preferences as a nineteen year old. You should be keen on the items you choose for the teenage girl bedroom as some could neutralize or cancel the effect achieved by the decorations.


Teenage Girl Bedroom Color: Girls are very meticulous in matters concerning color. There are those who prefer high-energy colors that bring out their ecstasy while others will prefer silent colors if they are calm in nature. Most of the common colors for a teenage girl bedroom are purple, violet, pink and sunshine yellow. The colors should not be deep and bold for smaller rooms. To enliven the room, paint the walls with creative intriguing patterns: dots, shapes or stripes. In addition, a girl’s room should be well organized so the furnishing and other artefacts should be neatly arranged; make use of under-bed storage and closet organizers.

About Calvin Bailey

Hey! It's Seda. I'm student and I love blogging about home decoration. I will share my ideas on Decorola.

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